C&M Pet Care Professionals
Loving, Expert Pet Care, Dog Walking & Pet Sitting
in Your Home
Jackson, Howell, Lakewood and Freehold New Jersey
Frequently Asked Questions
C&M Pet Care's Top 10 most asked questions.
If you have more, please use the button at the bottom of the page to contact us or give us a call!
How does pet sitting and dog walking work?
Pet sitting and dog walking allows your pet to get the care they need at home by us, experienced pet care professionals. We come to your home at prearranged times and lavish your pets with love and attention. The process begins by you contacting us to discuss your and your pet's needs; is it a "Play & Potty" visit they need during your work day, or "Five Star" pet sitting during your vacation? We'll then set up a free initial visit so we can meet you and your pets, giving you an opportunity to demonstrate their routines and our responsibilities. We'll fill out a contract with you outlining the pet care routine and contact information, pick up a key at this time and begin pet sitting precisely on the pre-determined date. While you're away, you're welcome to call or text as often as you like for updates, and we will give you progress reports complete with photos. You will return to happy pets and a clean home.

Are you fully insured and bonded?
Yes. We have general liability insurance specifically designed for pet sitters which covers a broad range of situations that could arise affecting your home and pet. Our Pet Sitter Dishonesty Bond works by assuring you payment for stolen items while making us responsible for paying that money back to our bonding company.
What do the visits cost?
We base our fees on a number of factors including number of pets, type of pets, type of care involved, and our travel distance. Instead of listing prices for all the different situations we encounter, we prefer talking with you first to get a good idea of what's involved in providing the best care we can for your pets. Only then can we tailor the fees according to your specific situation. Generally, fees range from $15-$30+ per visit.
How long does each visit last?
The amount of time we spend at each home is based on the individual needs of your pet(s). We allow for a half hour for each "Five Star" pet sitting visit or "Time to Go" dog walks and at least 15 minutes for each discounted "Play & Potty" visit (dogs) or Feed and Scoop (only cats) visits. Some pets enjoy lots of attention or require extra care, and we’re happy to oblige them with more time. However some prefer to be left alone and we allow them the space they desire, and not cause any undue stress. If your pet(s) require extra time outside of the average visit, we can discuss that at our first meeting and schedule accordingly.
How long in advance should I schedule pet sitting visits?
Two weeks prior notice is usually sufficient to book "Full Service" pet sitting, required during a vacation, with holidays booking up faster. "Play & Potty Breaks" can be pre-scheduled week-to-week, or daily as-needed. Although as much advanced notice as possible is always appreciated, we understand that some circumstances do not allow people to give lots of advanced notice, and we pride ourselves in accommodating last minute plans. Allowing us to hold on to your house key for future use makes meeting your unexpected need for services much easier.

Is it always the same person coming to my house each time?
It is always only Chris or Missy, often both, coming to your home. We have no other employees and would never send anyone else to care for your pets.
What happens if my pet gets sick or injured while I am away?
Chris is a Certified Veterinary Technician and Missy has experience as a veterinary assistant; both have been working with pets for over twenty years. We are both experienced in first aid and assessing emergencies. However of course, we are not veterinarians and cannot diagnose or initiate treatment to animals. With your permission, in the event of an emergency we will bring your pet to your veterinarian or, if they are not available, the nearest 24-hour veterinary emergency hospital for veterinary care. You can be assured we will provide excellent supportive care for any sick or injured animal in our care.
What do you do with the keys to keep them secure while in your possession?
Each key is encoded with a specific word or words unique to your pet that are meaningless to other people. Keys are never labeled with your name or address, your pet’s name, or any of your private information. They are locked in our car between visits during the day, and locked in our house at night. Many clients ask us to keep their key for future use; if you would like us to, they are locked in a safe in our home.
What are VIP Clients, and why do they get a discount?
Pet sitting is a seasonal business. VIP's are those who make it possible for us to stay in business year round. As a way of saying “Thank You” we offer them a discount. VIP status is acquired by use of our services at least four visits out of each week, year round.
Do you ever take care of pets in your home?
Though there have been circumstances when we have allowed dogs to stay in our home due to very serious illness or extremely advanced age- situations when they would not have survived a kennel or prolonged stay in their home, we prefer not to do so. Most pets prefer the comfort and quiet of their usual surroundings, rather than a busy, noisy, unfamiliar house.